Teacher PD [R&R]
Shake & Stir Teacher Professional Developments
In 2025, Shake & Stir is proud to offer a diverse range of Professional Development (PD) opportunities for teachers, designed to enhance creative education in the arts.
Professional Development opportunities will be offered to remote and rural teachers, linked to specific Queensland Curriculum units of work and ACARA, across the different art forms, while also addressing wider arts practices including well-being and inclusivity in arts pedagogy.
All Professional Development activities will be designed by Shake & Stir’s Education Manager and will take into consideration learnings uncovered during consultation with educators across R&R.
S&S will also provide a comprehensive selection of access and inclusion services for teachers and educators.
We are here to support.
With the implementation of Version 9 of ACARA and the challenges facing Senior Art Subjects, S&S can offer a series of Professional Developments linked to specific units, engaging a network of interested teachers. These workshops would utilise teaching artists (local and contracted) for the practical implementation of the content.
The proposed workshops can also be offered virtually but would be delivered to each region per semester. Each can be modified to suit specific requests by school communities, or as the needs of implementation of Version 9 become clear.
Drama PD A range of Drama PD is available for teachers at all levels. These workshops focus on dynamic drama pedagogy, script work, improvisation, and devising theatre, providing practical tools for classroom use.
Dance PD Dance PD cover various genres and methods, helping teachers engage students in movement and performance. Sessions include choreography, curriculum alignment, and creative expression, with practical strategies ready for classroom implementation.
Media Arts PD Media Arts PD explore filmmaking, digital storytelling, and multimedia. Teachers will learn how to guide students through creative media projects using accessible tools, enhancing visual literacy and creativity in both digital and traditional forms.
Full-School PD Schools can book tailored full-school PD where a specialist works with the entire staff, fostering collaboration and supporting a whole-school approach to the creative arts.
Custom PDs by Request Schools can request customised PDs tailored to their needs, working closely with us to design sessions aligned with their teaching goals.
Statewide Availability
PD will be offered right across Queensland in 2025, ensuring access to dynamic development opportunities for educators in as many communities as possible.
Early Years
Adventure through Arts
Join Shake & Stir Theatre Company for a fun-interactive exploration of how the arts invites creativity, imagination and language development inspired by their work 'Once Upon and Adventure' - an enchanting performance of Drama meets Music with hands-on Visual Art activities. Springboard into a variety of ways to invite children to express themselves and discover the joy of storytelling through well-known fairy tales. Expand your artistic repertoire for fostering imagination through role-play, communication and cooperative skills, while reflecting on your own successes and be inspired as you continue to create artistic learning opportunities for your students. A hands-on experience informed by recent changes in ACARA V9 and the Early Years Learning Framework.
Mixing Up Theatre Magic – Primary or Secondary
Join Shake & Stir immersing yourself in their adaptation of George’s Marvellous Medicine to cook up the wonder of Children’s Theatre and the stage magic you can conjure. Unpack the dramatic languages that can delight and wow audiences big and small alike. A practical and immersive unpacking of conventions + elements, script work and devising opportunities. Great for Middle or Senior devising units or enriching Primary performance outcomes. A little magic can take you a long way.
Term 1 – Mackay
The Twits – Unplugged – Primary
Expand your integration of Arts teaching inspired by the quirky and creative world of THE TWITS. Unpacking the transition into ACiQ V9, explore the extensive learning opportunities possible working from a pre-existing text, pairing curriculum knowledge with practical in-class activities. Deep-dive into the characters, themes and art specific-skills that can provide engaging assessment opportunities.
Skills of Acting – Middle + Senior
How do you lay the groundwork for students to grow their skills of acting? Enjoy the chance to workshop some classic fundamentals focusing on voice, movement and methodology that can be used across your Drama program to ensure students are equipped to tackle assessment, build dramatic stamina AND still enjoy the subject. Come wrestle with different approaches that foster the cross-curriculum benefits and life-skills of effective communication and authentic interaction. A great refresher for Drama teacher veterans or useful processes for those just starting out.
Cairns - Thursday 13th Feb
Mackay - Wednesday 19th Feb
Establishing an Artistic Aesthetic (IA2) – Senior
Together let’s create a sample IA2 for your students. Come share ideas about how we can reshape our approaches when building dramatic concepts to capitalise on the potential of the new format. Think across your whole Unit 3 to encourage students’ artistic voices and their directorial and scriptwriting skills. Make your students thrive and feel inspired, share key learnings from your Year 11s kickstarting the process, and integrate industry learnings with your student’s creativity.
Succeeding with Shakespeare
Exploring Contemporary Performance Conventions
(Unit 4) - Senior
Come and discover the many shades success when working with a Shakespearean text for Unit 4! Inherited texts have so much to offer – but how can you capitalise on your students’ creativity without getting swallowed up by thees and thous! Explore creative processes that can engage students in the complexity of Shakespearean texts, by pairing Shake & Stir Theatre Co’s approaches to making the Bard’s texts palatable with the challenges of IA3. Leave with concrete activities adaptable to different Shakespearean texts to help your students shape something they can be proud of for their final internal assessment.
Unpacking Theatre of Social Comment (Unit 3) – Senior
Unpack the differences and similarities across different styles of Theatre of Social Comment (Epic, Absurd, Satire) and the ability these forms have to advocate for change. Develop strategies for ensuring authentic learning for your students when creating a dramatic concept (IA2)
Term 1

R&R is the Regional & Remote Schools Touring Service, an initiative of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland within the Department of Education.