2025 In-Schools

Welcome to Shake & Stir Theatre Co’s 2025 In-School season. Where classics collide with new curiosities.

Since we rolled out our very first season of performances in 2006, offering a diverse and entertaining suite of shows for educators and students has been at the forefront of our minds. 19 years later, we are proud of the number of students and their teachers who have enjoyed the benefit of live theatre, the many 100s of 1000s of kilometres we have travelled and the ongoing passionate support that we've received from countless schools - right across Australia.

In 2025, we have 10 productions on offer for Kindy, Primary and Secondary schools.

We will also tour further into regional and remote areas, bridging the divide between our coastal cities and towns and those situated in the farthest reaches. We can't wait to share our year with you - wherever you are located.

Bookings are now open so please get in contact to find out more about our many incredible opportunities available to you in 2025.

2025 In-School Bookings Now Open

2025 In-School Bookings Now Open

2025 In-School Bookings Now Open

2025 In-School Bookings Now Open

#Book Now


Shake & Stir Virtual

Shake & Stir Virtual

Available on this unique online portal, are professional, multi-camera recordings of all of our in-school performances, along with extensive accompanying teachers’ resources and some useful and entertaining special features.

QLD Youth Shake Fest

QLD Youth Shake Fest

Shake Fest is the original cross schools Festival dynamically connecting students, schools, and industry through Shakespeare.