Regional & Remote

Regional & Remote

Touring further, for longer in 2024.

With support from Arts Queensland, Shake & Stir is proud to introduce our Regional & Remote Program. This initiative delivers a diverse range of artistic programs that align with the Queensland School Curriculum. From early childhood offerings to First Nations perspectives, we have partnered with leading artists and organisations across Queensland to ensure that quality arts opportunities are available to everyone, regardless of location.  

Teacher PD's

Teacher PD's

Enhance your teaching strategies and gain valuable insights into integrating arts into the curriculum, tailored specifically to the Queensland school system.

Small Schools Arts Camps

Small Schools Arts Camps

Join us as we provide Remote Schools Camp to rural areas, inviting remote and distance education students for a multi-day arts and culture immersion.

Workshops + Residencies

Workshops + Residencies

Discover workshops and residencies in all art forms, delivered across Queensland. Our expert artists bring hands-on experiences in music, drama, dance, and visual arts to inspire and educate.

Partner-led Touring

Partner-led Touring

Learn about our collaborations with Queensland’s leading arts organisations and creatives. Our partner-led tours bring top-tier arts performances and workshops to your community.

Regional + Remote Theatre Productions

Regional + Remote Theatre Productions

Theatre where you are. Our tours bring dynamic performances directly to your school, enriching your students' educational journey, regardless of postcode.

We want to hear from you!

We want to hear from you!

Shake & Stir is dedicated to enhancing arts education across Queensland's rural and remote regions. If you have ideas or need support for arts in your school or community, we would love to hear from you.

Regional and Remote Schools Touring Services are an initiative of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. Shake and Stir is serving/served as the service provider from 2023-2026.