The Story Keeper

#Main Info

The Story Keeper

Join our Story Keeper on an enchanting journey as they weave together tales from times past and present, from places near and far.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of global stories, THE STORY KEEPER ventures into the pages of tales told before. Where will their quest take them? Perhaps the well-trodden tales of The Brothers Grimm, or will they race across the globe for the thrill of a tale from Ghana or be enthralled by the insights of Russian tales or Chinese folklore? Only time will tell!

From famous fairy tales to unsung heroes, THE STORY KEEPER highlights the importance of sharing stories and understanding where they come from. 

Everyone has a story. 


English: Narrative, Traditional stories, Creative Writing, Intertextuality, Language, Literature, Literacy
Drama: Characterisation, Creating tension, Performance techniques, Adaptation and transformation, Creating and Making, Exploring and responding 

Multimodal Theatre, Contemporary Performance, Hybridity, Visual Theatre, Magical Realism, Physical Theatre

General Capabilities: Critical and creative thinking, Literacy, Ethical understanding, Personal and social capability, Intercultural understanding

Booking Details

50 Mins + 10 Min Q&A

Performance Space 7x7 Indoor With Power
$9.90 Per Student (inc. GST)
Minimum Performance Fee Applies

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